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Atlantic Puffin
Fratercula arctica
IUCN Red List Vulnerable


IBAT offers a variety of reports to suit all of your reporting needs. All reports can be accessed via Pay As You Go or as part of one of our subscriptions.

Proximity Report

  • Suitable for - High-level early stage biodiversity risk screening
  • Contains - Protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas & IUCN Red List Species
  • Location - Single
  • Buffers - User specified

PS6 & ESS6 Report

  • Suitable for - High-level early stage biodiversity risk screening against IFC and World Bank performance standards
  • Contains - Protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas & IUCN Red List Species
  • Location - Single
  • Buffers - Defaulted to 50km
  • Likelihood of Critical Habitat flagged

Freshwater Report

  • Suitable for - High-level early stage biodiversity risk screening of projects with potential to impact on freshwater ecosystems
  • Contains - Freshwater species upstream and downstream of a specified location
  • Location - Single
  • Buffers - Select upstream and downstream

Multi-site Report

  • Suitable for - Incorporating biodiversity into annual sustainability reporting (e.g. reporting against GRI or SASB standards)
  • Contains - Protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas & IUCN Red List Species
  • Location - Multiple
  • Buffers User specified

STAR Report

  • Suitable for - Identification of opportunities for positive biodiversity actions and target setting
  • Contains - IUCN Red List Species (Birds, Mammals and Amphibians)
  • Location - Single
  • Buffers - N/A

Disclosure Preparation Report

  • Suitable for - The assessment of sensitivity and prioritization of sites to prepare for disclosure via the TNFD or GRI
  • Contains - Protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas & IUCN Red List Species
  • Location - Multiple points, polygons or line features can be included. Up to 1,000 sites
  • Buffers - A buffer of either 5km, 10km, 20km or 50km is automatically applied depending on the type of site/operation

Proximity Report

PDF Report

Summary of protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas overlapped for each buffer and IUCN Red List of Threatened Species for a 50km buffer.

PNG Files

Two .png files showing the outline of the project and chosen buffers in relation to protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas.

CSV Files

Full attribute lists of protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas for each buffer selected and IUCN Red List Species for a 50km buffer.


A README file containing an overview of the IBAT platform, limitations, a disclaimer and recommended citations.

Use Case

High-level early stage biodiversity risk screening for a single site.


Select up to three buffers between 1km and 50km for your geometry.

Download Example

PS6 & ESS6 Report

PDF Report

Summary of protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas overlapped for 1km, 10km and 50km buffers, as well as their likelihood to trigger critical habitat. IUCN Red List Species within a 50km buffer and restricted range species.

PNG Files

Two .png files showing the outline of the project and buffers in relation to protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas.

CSV Files

Full attribute lists of protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas for each buffer and IUCN Red List Species for a 50km buffer.


A README file containing an overview of the IBAT platform, limitations, a disclaimer and recommended citations.

Use Case

High-level early stage biodiversity risk screening for a single site with specific reference to PSS6 and ESS6.


Predefined at 10km and 50km.

Download Example

Freshwater Report

PDF Report

Summarises freshwater species in hydrobasins upstream and downstream of a specified location within the specified buffers.

CSV Files

One file for each of the buffers specified (as well as the exact site basin) containing IUCN Red List species for a 50km buffer.


A README file containing an overview of the IBAT platform, limitations, a disclaimer and recommended citations.

Use Case

High-level early stage biodiversity risk screening for a single site with potential to impact freshwater ecosystems.


Select four buffer ranges to be assessed both upstream and downstream of the given location.

Download Example

Multi-site Report

PDF Report

Protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas and IUCN Red List Species visualised and compared across a portfolio of sites. Includes total and mean STAR Threat Abatement and Restoration Scores for each site.

CSV Files

Five files detailing the protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas within chosen buffer of each site, IUCN Red List category counts for each site, total and mean STAR scores for each site and a summary overlaps table.


A README file containing an overview of the IBAT platform, limitations, a disclaimer and recommended citations

Use Case

Incorporating biodiversity into annual sustainability reporting (e.g. reporting against GRI or SASB standards).


Select a single buffer to be applied to all sites.

Download Example

STAR Report

PDF Report

STAR Threat Abatement and Restoration scores for species located within an Area of Interest with maps displaying spatial variation in STAR opportunities. Scores for Threat Abatement and Restoration are disaggregated by threat type. IBAT's STAR Briefing Note and Business User guidance also included as PDFs.

Zip Files

4 CSV Files containing the breakdown of STAR Threat Abatement and Restoration scores by threat type, and for each grid cell. For Enterprise and Enterprise Plus Subscribers, an additional CSV File containing a list of the individual species present in the AOI.


PDF “README” containing recommended use of IBAT and limitations.

Use Case

Identification of opportunities for positive biodiversity actions and target setting, as well as screening for investment opportunities or risks. When combined with additional information, STAR can also be used for mitigation/offset planning.

Download Example

Disclosure Preparation Report

2 PDF Reports

The first PDF contains the classification of all sites as sensitive or not sensitive based and the prioritisation of sensitive sites. The second PDF contains further information on sensitive sites ordered by potential priority.

CSV Files

Full attribute lists of protected areas and Key Biodiversity Areas including distance from site and overlap with site. IUCN Red List species found potentially found within 50km of each site. Overall results showing which criteria are triggering sensitivity and significance.


2 README files (1 PDF and 1 CSV) containing an overview of methodology, the definition of terms, the IBAT platform, limitations, a disclaimer, and recommended citations.

Use Case

The assessment of sensitivity and prioritization of sites to prepare for disclosure via the TNFD or GRI.


Predefined depending on the site type selected for the report. This is to ensure the sensitivity of the sites is measured accurately.

Download Example

GIS Downloads

IBAT offers GIS Downloads that are available on Pay As You Go or through an annual subscription. These files can then be imported into your own systems for advanced analysis.

GIS Download

  • Contains - Choose from either Core Datasets (IUCN Red List, WDPA, WDKBA) or Derived Datasets (STAR & Rarity-weighted species richness)
  • Suitable for - Complete spatial data for a specific region of interest
  • Location - Up to 1,000,000 km2


  • Contains - Protected areas, Key Biodiversity Areas & IUCN Red List Species
  • Suitable for - Complete global spatial data
  • Only available to Enterprise subscribers

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